Why I Am Running

Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things.
— Peter Drucker

A Proven Record

What I bring to the table is a proven ability to bring the community together with information and a plan of action to fight for what we need.

  • Communication I issue a regular newsletter to keep Braintree Residents aware of what’s going on in town and to help broaden understanding on complicated issues so that we can better work together to find solutions for the issues we face.

  • Accessibility: I keep regular office hours twice weekly so that residents will always have a way to reach me personally. You can find me on Mondays at Montilio’s from 10:00-11:00am and Wednesdays at Panera from 7:00-8:00pm.

  • Advocacy: When the John Flatley Company proposed a 37-foot digital billboard that would bathe District 1 neighborhoods in its electric glow 24/7 and potentially cause traffic accidents at the Braintree split, I mobilized such a forceful opposition against it that the proposal was finally withdrawn because of "community concern."

  • Advocacy: As the council liaison to FRRACS, I advocated with Sustainable Braintree and many Braintree residents to help bring an air quality monitor to Braintree to provide data sophisticated enough and reliable enough to be admissible in court so that we can finally begin to hold Enbridge and every other industrial polluter accountable to basic environmental safety standards. 

A Vision for Leadership

Our shared commitment to each other and to our community is why I am running for Town Council.  Our town deserves to be governed as a partnership, with clear communication and strong outreach from all of our elected officials to the residents they represent.  This starts with better listening, better questions and a sincere pursuit of alternative opinions. Good government in our changing times requires a rigorous commitment to fostering a thoughtful conversation on how to meet the challenges of that change.  We don't need leaders to choose our path. We need leaders who will ask us for our thoughts on how to cope with the challenges in our path and then help us build a solution that meets everyone's needs.